Tuesday, August 30, 2005

11 days and counting

Ladies and Gentlemen (but mostly the ladies, let's be honest) I give you:
The Medill Men - The Graduating Guys of Medill DC 2005

From left to right: Steve "Mr. Dream is My Bitch" Nery, Pete "Google Images" Frost, Scott "Sea Scabes" Domer, Rafa "Viva Espana" Cores, Me, Marcel "Future Hostage" Honore and Ed "the Hulk" Welsch.

And here is the Fisk 306 DC reunion (we all had intro together)
The girls are Jessica, Smashtar and Willow

I don't have much time to write seeing as there are two more days of school left and I still have shit-tons of work to do, but I shall give it a try.

All these pictures were taken last saturday night at our final barbecue at Marcel's place. We all pitched in and got some dry-aged steaks and lots of liquor.

As often happens with these sorts of things, someone decided to make a less-than-wise decision at about 2 in the morning. It was raining, and a big group of us decided to sneak into the community swimming pool for a dip. This involved scaling a 10-foot chain-link fence. Christine (not pictured) fell on her way in. I fell on my way out. I've been wearing a compression bandage on my wrist for three days now.

It was worth it, though.

Alright, I still have stories to file (including Crimes of War, which I can't believe I've put off this long), so I must run. I just wanted to get those photos up. I'll write something more lengthy soon.