Monday, August 22, 2005


(I included this picture of me and some of my cohorts simply because I recognize that this sort of thing is more interesting when accompanied by photographs.)

So, I'm sitting here in the Medill DC newsroom trying to concentrate on my work (A Crimes of War Project article about physician complicity in prisoner interrogations), but in reality my mind is entirely elsewhere...

Here in the final stretch of school the newsroom has deteriorated into a rather childish scene. On Friday we had a jousting tournament consisting of two people armed with the crutches of an injured colleague being pushed toward each other on office chairs.

This morning I switched the cords of two coworkers' telephones so that they would be getting each other's phone calls all day. (I actually didn't have the nerve to go through with that one - something important might happen - so I just switched them back).

I finish graduate school in a week and a half. In 20 days I leave for Bangkok. There's a lot to do between now and then. I've got a bit of last-minute shopping to do (primarily for travel clothes and some good shoes - such an important investment). I've got to get my bills and whatnot in order and then I'm off - 20 days...

You know, after living the life of a journalist for the past year I'm extremely excited about the prospect of being so cut off from the rest of the world. No cell phone, no mailing address, no breaking news or tight deadlines - just this blog, email and the autonomy to dig up stories in an utterly foreign part of the world.

A week and a half left of school. I'll write more soon.