Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, this is it. After almost 11 months of cut-throat madness in South Asia, I'm back in Washington, DC.

It's time for some serious self-evaluation. You can't spend almost a year in Asia, doing the ridiculous things I did, without some profound changes...

That's something I need to do on my own for the time being, but for all of you who had any interest in reading this sillyness, it's been a good ride. What comes next? Probably New York.

I'll post a final link when I start a new blog. "Hugh In Asia" is now finished, and "Hugh: Rockin' In America" is just about to begin. It's an exciting, brave new world, eh?

Guys, it's been real. To all the amazing people I met along the way: Shakespeare himself couldn't have dreamed up a more dynamic, diverse, fascinating cast of characters. Many of you have become lifelong friends, and I'll never forget it.

To everyone else, especially my friends back in Chicago: I'm back. Brace yourself.

Much love.